Charlie Lee

It's good to be Charlie. After years of working at the first „Bitcoin Unicorn,“ Lee stepped out on his own in 2017 to take up arms against those who would delay bitcoin technical development. His weapon? The cryptocurrency network: litecoin. With the network ? once languishing, now revitalized ? Lee pulled no punches, becoming the opinionated voice of reason in a market that's known for its insanity.

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Naval Ravikant

If crypto assets really are the „Craziest Bubble Ever,“ then Naval Ravikant is the movement's elder statesman. The founder of AngelList, Ravikant didn't talk much about startups in 2017, instead preaching the gospel of the ICO on Twitter in 140-character bursts that were part roadmap and part prophecy for a burgeoning industry. In the process, he helped open doors for a new wave of innovative cryptocurrency projects, giving a vital boost to an industry that had all but been locked out of Silicon Valley following bitcoin's 2015 correction.

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Bitcoin Will Give Japan’s Economy a Substantial Boost

Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies had a year of exceptional growth in 2017.  The cryptocurrency market cap managed to surpass the valuation of $638 billion and many experts believe that it will further increase. The Cryptocurrency Job Market 2017 was one

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Der große Bitcoin-&-Blockchain-Jahresrückblick 2017

Wir blicken auf ein ereignisreiches Jahr 2017 zurück: Der Bitcoin startete im Januar mit einem Wert von unter 1.000 US-Dollar (963 Euro) und vereinte eine Marktkapitalisierung von etwas über 15 Milliarden US-Dollar auf sich. Die gesamte Marktkapitali

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